Misia-O' is an immersive storyteller using : photography, film, spoken word performances, sculpture and perfume creations. Multi sensory media to celebrate the cosmogony of ancient civilisations and to bring to light ancestral wisdom and their ancient technologies with the use of future technologies. Misia-O's art is accessible to visually impaired people.
Overall, I feel that you are saying a lot by retaining the essential mystery of who a person is despite what surface cues tell us. As someone who gets a lot of information through visual channels, and who bases a great deal of understanding in those gleanings, I always find the question of representing gender to be extremely tricky.
I often rely on what I see, and make conclusions based on that evidence. Your work helps me understand how I can see, but not know; I imagine that this uncertainty echoes the complexity of an individual’s personal search for self-actualization.
lensculture, Exposure Awards /1⁷
As a teenager, I could never comprehend those mathematical formulas and theorems we were force fed with: I had zero insight or understanding as to how those could be helpful in our day to day life, or in our future professions, but I liked geometry. My Dad, a scientist and philosopher, always told me that math, geometry and space were poetic and congruent with philosophy, a concept which I adored.
He made me realise that the great philosophers have a deep understanding of science. This is what resonated in me when I started out on my photographic career. I am fascinated by identity, its multiple layers and the perception of our beings, but also of the multiple dimensions, universes and spirituality. Kant, Descartes, Victor Hugo, Camus, Voltaire. And the Dadaists and Surrealists to name a few...these inspirational humanists, philosophers, scientists and artists led me to the path I’m on now, one of exploration through photography of the concept of divine architecture and sacred geometry.
Salon des Beaux Arts Jury Prize Winner
Artnet auction, Galstian Art, LA
Voies Off, Arles
First of all, Misia-O’, I’d like to comment you for taking on a very complicated project. I’m especially impressed by how you have reduced the complexity og gender and identity to such clear statements-the focus on gesture, motion, ambiguity, and detail are beautiful evocative, and the captions you’ve assigned offer an elegant bit of additional information.
lensculture, Exposure Awards /1⁷
I exhausted my parents (and still do) with endless questions relating to art, physics, the meaning of the world,religions and spirituality. Luckily for me, both Parents are ex-Professors and very well-versed in literature, art, science and philosophy.
I was drawn to study quantum physics in order to get a deeper understanding of those very dimensions, of time, of light and colours, so that I can apply it as a tool in my photography. I speak regularly to my Dad who helps me navigate between geometry, maths and quantum physics, explaining me how ratio, perspective, the speed of light and multi-dimensions are created, and how I can use this knowledge with my philosophical quest on the subject of our multiplicity as human, our identity and on the perception of time. I am grateful to have such a gifted Dad and literate Mum, able to help my über-curious mind understand some of life's complexities and mysteries through the study of science, philosophy and literature.
My ongoing ‘Different Shades Of...’ series of photographs challenges the perception we have of what a colour - and a non-colour - may be, and how the way we interpret colour is often blinkered or prejudiced as a result of societal beliefs and misguided prejudices, associated mistakenly to different cultures, religions, myths and politics, which are often based on medieval and empiricist theories that no longer have a relevance in contemporary life.
I approach the subject of colours – skin colours of different human beings and the way these colours are mirrored in nature (a tautology in itself as humans are part of nature) from a mix of perhaps basic scientific research - after all I am not a scientist - and then I proceed to look into its impact over centuries in anthropology, culture, politics, religions art and spirituality. My Mum helps me with literature and artistic references and it is fascinating to see how various colours tap into our deepest fears and greed, or elevate our souls, and how their meanings vary totally from one culture to another. When all is a simple perception of our retina with the variants of light affecting it (Trichromatic theory).
In turn, my aim is to compress this information into abstract and simplified pictures, hopefully poetic and pleasing to the eye, encouraging the onlooker to discover its multi-layers and subtle symbolisms referring to the culture, colour coding and perception, spirituality and humanism of my images and the people or natural objects they depict.
Jury Prize Winner (Prix du Jury) for “Different Shades of Yellow”: Salon des Beaux Arts (SNBA), Paris, May 2021.
Competition Winner : Shutterhub, "Time To Think" 2019, pictures from the series "Different Shades Of Black", France
Artnet auction organised by Galstian Art, LA, in June 2020 . Anti-racism exhibition ‘United for Change’ with my picture ‘Diver’ from “Different Shades Of Black”.
#BlackLivesMatter. The exhibition raised funds for the Stephen Lawrence Foundation in the UK and For Freedoms and Underground Museum in the USA.